Spotlight: Ben Ketron

Location: Colorado, United States
Your role at Kilterset:
Senior Software Engineer
Give us a high level overview of your professional background prior to Kilterset:
Prior to Kilterset, I've had the opportunity to work in a number of different areas of the software industry including a agriculture, corporate, design, hospitality, real estate and configuration management.
In three words, how would you describe Kilterset to candidates or other people who inquire?
Curious. Kind. Thoughtful.
What do you enjoy most about your role and working at Kilterset?
Collaboration is what I enjoy most about my role. Building something together is magic. The people of Kilterset I get to collaborate with are what make it a great place to work.
What inspired you to pursue a career in tech/software development?
Originally, my intention was to be a musician as I find music the most natural form of self-expression and experience. Discovering I have a knack for software development and its clearer career path were the deciding factors.
What activities do you enjoy outside of work?
Outside of work I enjoy bicycling, cooking, gardening, hanging out with the cats, music and wandering.
Can you share a memorable experience or favorite project at Kilterset you've worked on?
The joy of being greeted at work by a colleague lingers from the moment I interviewed. The gratitude I feel for my colleagues and the work we do continues to be a memorable experience.
If you weren't working in software/tech, what would be your dream job?
I'd love to be a house-husband for a short while: to catch up on projects and the to-do list and to slow down for a moment to breath and observe.
How do you maintain a healthy work-life balance?
Understanding that life and work happen at the same time, being flexible, patient and willing to re-prioritize are necessities to maintaining a work-life balance. Finding satisfaction in the little accomplishments that build to the larger is key. Otherwise, it can feel like an endless series of work-life tasks.
And lastly, here are a couple of ‘What’s Your Favorite’ questions:
- Favorite food? I love pomme frites! But really a fan of most foods potato related, lately Rösti.
- What are you currently reading? Or best book you've recently read? The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche has been the most thought provoking book I've read recently. Bill Buford's Dirt is a close second.
- Favorite band/singer? Numerous… Seal is the singer I always come back to...