Small Team, Best Team

At Kilterset we have an approach to team deployments for major work which may be unfamiliar to some. We like to call this our “small team, best team” concept. Our team members have worked together, on average, for more than six years! Some of us have been with the team for over ten years! This means we know each other well, we work together well, and we seek to capitalize on this. Keep reading to get a handle on how we like to deploy our teams on major pieces of development work.
Small Team, Best Team
We like our teams to be cohesive units. Our team members have been working together for a long time, with an average tenure of over six years. We believe the rapport built up amongst our teams members over this time is an incredible boon in delivering software. For this reason we don’t seek to parcel out our engineers in ones or twos onto different projects. Instead, we have created a structure for deploying our team members into client work as entire units that enable them to execute effectively. We call this approach “Small Team, Best Team.”
Why Small Teams?
For one, our team members have a long history of working well together. Keeping them together when deployed into client projects means you get a cohesive team out-of-the-box. Having worked together for so long has other advantages, too. We know how each other likes to work. We keep comms high, we have a shared understanding of project work (e.g., how to tackle pull requests, design stories and epics, and conduct healthy retros), and, spanning Australia, New Zealand, and the United States, we have years of experience of making effective work of our geographical spread.
All of these things have convinced us to keep our team members deployed into individual client projects in small, cohesive units - we don’t spread team members across multiple clients. Often, the makeup of our teams consist of a Product Owner, an Engineering Lead, and two or three supporting engineers. This structure helps us act as strategic partners utilizing the broad skillsets of our Product Owners and Engineering Leads. In addition to this, we can keep a tight focus on work being delivered by allowing our Engineering Leads easy insight into the performance of the team.
Let's Collaborate
Small Teams, Best Teams, together with our Landing Party approach, form the way we get stuff done. They consistently work for us, too. Our team is happy, long-tenured, incredibly skilled, and collaborate well together. All of this combined helps us act as a strategic partner from the earliest days of the Landing Party through the longevity of the Small Team, Best Team phase.
We want to help you build the best experience for your users. Reach out and let’s discuss what our talented teams can do for your business.